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Cuyamaca College opens new Queer Student Center

A ribbon cutting was held at Cuyamaca College earlier this month to mark the opening of its new Queer Student Center, which provides resources and a safe place for LGBTQ college students. The new center is in the campus’s Student Center.

The Queer Student Center was created with funding from a $56,250 grant from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office that was awarded to community colleges across the state to promote resources for LGBTQ students.

“We are so happy to provide this space for our LGBTQ students,” said Cuyamaca College President Jessica Robinson in a statement. “We want them to feel safe and supported at all times on our campus.”

Queer Center coordinator Kaylin Rosal said it is extremely important to have space that is “relatable, inviting and inclusive” for the LGBTQ students.

“We are proving a safe space that is like a beacon. If a student can’t find a safe space, rest assured that Cuyamaca College has one for you,” she said.

The Center will have an attorney available twice a month for students who do not identify with their birth gender, making Cuyamaca College the only college in the region that provides free legal services if students want to legally change their name. Rosal said the college is also developing a program called Pride Scholars, which will offer book vouchers, giveaways, and a special graduation ceremony for students who participate.

Rosal, a 2014 graduate of Cuyamaca College identified as LGBTQ, and said she would have welcomed a Queer Student Center when she attended.

“With the center, it’s the visibility that the college sees me and knows that I’m important,” she said. “It’s that welcoming feeling of come as you are.”

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