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Grossmont Center’s Elam’s Hallmark showing it has heart


When it comes to having heart, Elam’s Hallmark in Grossmont Center certainly qualifies.

The business recently completed its annual Hearts for CF campaign. This was their 11th year of raising awareness and funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of San Diego. Elam’s Hallmark has now raised more than $150,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of San Diego.

In business since 1976, Elam’s Hallmark has nine stores in San Diego County. The Grossmont location raised the most money for the organization this year.

Owner Scott Elam has a friend whose son, Justin, was born with cystic fibrosis – a genetic lung disease. This is why the business has the annual fundraiser.

“Each year when we do our Hearts for CF Campaign, we try to see which of our nine stores can collect the most money for CF,” Elam noted. “This year our staff in Grossmont Center raised the most for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of San Diego. Overall, Elam’s collected $16,600 this year in Justin’s name.”

The fundraiser was held for only 18 days in nine stores and still raised a large amount total.

Elam’s Hallmark has been recognized by CFF of San Diego with the “Until It’s Done” award for being a corporate sponsor that has donated $5,000 or more for five consecutive years. The business does take contributions to CFF anytime.

“It is just during the Valentine’s Day sale period we put up the Hearts on the wall with a picture of Justin,” Elam added. “Once we get past Valentine’s Day we stop posting the hearts – but we will always take more contributions.”

According to Elam, the business has gotten great feedback from employees and customers alike.

“Many of them tell me they really like this program because it allows them an opportunity to give back in a way they didn’t know they could,” Elam stated. “They feel like they are making a difference. Every small contribution added together between nine stores for 18 days really adds up. Most contributions are between $1-$5, but look how quickly that added up to $16,600. Some of my staff have really wanted to learn more about Cystic Fibrosis so they would really know what they were talking about if questioned by a customer. We are really raising awareness for the disease.”

Elam, who is a third generation Rotarian and past president of La Mesa Rotary, has also reached out to other foundations to help support CF and the Hearts for CF Campaign.

“The Cushman Family Foundation has contributed $5,000 in each of the last three years,” Elam added. “I am currently actively looking for other foundations that would be interested in contributing as well.”

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of San Diego is holding their major fundraiser of the year, Great Strides, the annual walk for Cystic Fibrosis on June 4. Learn more on their website at

— Reach editor Dave Thomas –

Source: La Mesa Currier

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