The Campus Supervisor is on paid leave pending an investigation. Source: CBS 8 New feed
La Mesa California
All of the names of the fallen are emblazed on two murals on the sides of the trailer. Source: CBS 8 New feed
Caltrans said the plan will allocate nearly $9 million toward expediting wrong-way driver installation upgrades on 67 highway ramps. Source: CBS 8 New feed
Following the release of preliminary 2020 U.S. Census statistics, the El Cajon City Council is hosting a series of redistricting hearings to ensure each district has roughly the same number of voting-aged residents. Redistricting is the process of adjusting city council voting districts. The first hearing will be Sept. 8…
It is that time of year as County animal shelters start to fill, and with the many impacts of the pandemic, this year is more than normal. In a normal year, as it gets warmer, every spring and summer is kitten season and people drop off kittens, and the county’s…