After reporters at inewsource uncovered problems at San Diego County-run COVID-19 hotels, their photos were circulated among security guards at the properties. Source: CBS 8 New feed
La Mesa California
$2,000 donation made to school’s music program in Julie Walsh’s honor. Source: CBS 8 New feed
This week, the county began construction of the new Lakeside Library. The library is a two-acre site. The building will be 16,400 feet and the total budget for the project, excluding land acquisition is $18 million and expected to open in fall 2022. The county’s build-design contract is with PCL…
Members of five different faith groups that make up the Santee Interfaith Alliance joined forces on Saturday morning to give the Santee Christian Church some long-awaited repairs including resurfacing their battered parking lot, repainting exterior walls, and trimming tall palm trees along the perimeter of the property. Alliance members first…
The La Mesa Challenge Center, which treats elderly and disabled patients with physical therapy and assisted fitness services tracked statistics before and after physical shutdowns were imposed to limit the spread of COVID-19. That data illustrates how quickly a sedentary lifestyle takes its toll on mobility, as well as how…