Gun and ammunition shoppers at this weekend’s Crossroads of the West Gun Show in Del Mar could themselves in the crosshairs of a planned protest this weekend.“I think it’s completely disrespectful to those people. Their families,” said Del Mar resident Jennifer Lonbon. ‘Enough Is Enough’: San Diego Students Join US Walkout Lonbon is part of “Never Again” a group calling for stricter gun control laws and a halt to gun shows at the Del Mar Fairgrounds.Especially after seventeen teachers and students were killed in the Florida school massacre, one month ago. Images: San Diego Schools Partake in National Walkout “Our gun rights don’t change because of current events. The second amendment has always been there and will always be there,” said firearms instructor Wendy Hauffer who attended the gun show.Hauffer says instead of targeting guns, America should pay attention to people. ‘Proud’: Local Parents, Teachers Support Student Walkouts “Mental health is a big problem in our society today,” said Hauffler. “We need to have better resources and outreach.”Just this year, 10 San Diego residents, some dealing with mental illness, were ordered by a court to surrender or sell their firearms, according to the San Diego City Attorney.And while Lonbon says she respects the second amendment, she believes a 90s-style assault weapon ban needs to be re-loaded.“When that amendment was written there were no assault weapons. There was nothing like we have today and it wasn’t intended to protect people’s right to a point where people aren’t dying,” said Lonbon.“We need more effective laws rather than adding on laws on paper that sound great,” said Hauffer.The gun show is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.Protesters say they’ll be there in force paying tribute to the people who lost their lives in the Florida school shooting.Photo Credit: NBC 7
Source: NBC San Diego
Protesters Plan Weekend Demonstration at Del Mar Gun Show
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